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The Secret of Prolonged Strength and Youth 

A Special Report by Dr. Alex Duarte, O.D., Ph.D.

Today, if you are an athlete, there is an enormous focus on getting bigger, stronger, and faster with whatever means is at your disposal. A plethora of steroids, growth hormones, and an every increasing array of anabolic agents have arrived. However, with continued use the majority of these products hold very dangerous and tragic side effects. If you’re aging and losing the strength and beauty of your youth you may have been encouraged to take growth hormone injections. There is no other substance known to man that has such far reaching ability to slow down the aging process. However, if we look for a common ground among steroids, growth hormone, and other anabolic agents we come to the bottle neck, the funnel, through which all of these substances must pass in their affect on muscle tissue, endocrine, exocrine glands and even the blueprint of life itself, DNA. What is that funnel? It’s insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). 

IGF-1 is also known as somatomedin C and is actually far safer, yet just as potent as growth hormone itself. In fact, the vast majority of strength increasing, muscle increasing, and antiaging effects of growth hormone are because of the ability of growth hormone to increase IGF-1. The problem is many people will pay as much as $15,000 a year to have a physician administer growth hormone and it is unfortunately something that must be continued once you have initiated it. If you don’t you will return to the fast moving aging process. Growth hormone at this point in time must be administered by injection. There are a few sublingual products on the market that have minimal growth hormone increase response. Growth hormone itself, even if it is injected, only sticks around in the blood for a short period of time. It is  absorbed by various tissues primarily the liver and it is here that it is converted to IGF-1. It is a known fact that if you take growth hormone orally it is broken down in the intestines by bile acids and is simply not absorbed. IGF-1 is as potent as growth hormone itself in producing an anabolic, muscle building, and growth stimulating effect. 

IGF-1 is also critical in preserving the nuclear DNA that is the blueprint of life, and in fact, determines our maximum life span. It may turn out that IGF-1 is the safest and most effective way of increasing muscle mass and slowing down the aging process. The relationship between growth hormone and IGF-1 is almost one to one. For this reason, the illusive growth hormone, which only has a half-life in the blood of 20 minutes, cannot be successfully and accurately measured through blood tests. Scientists, instead, will measure IGF-1 levels, which has a half-life of 20 hours. Because blood IGF-1 levels are more  ustained they are a much more practical indicator of growth hormone status. 


Human growth hormone (HGH) is one of many of endocrine hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, melatonin, and DHEA, which decline in production with age. While some of these hormones can reduce the 3 effects of aging, only HGH and IGF-1 go far beyond the scope of the other hormones not only to prevent biological aging but also to reverse a broad range of symptoms associated with aging and even certain diseases of aging. For the more youthful bodybuilding enthusiasts, only IGF-1 ultimately builds enormous muscle tissue. HGH builds muscle also, but only through its effect in increasing IGF-1. So if you are interested in building muscle tissue, increasing strength and endurance, and turning back the aging clock by 20 or more years, be ye young or be ye old IGF-1 is the secret of the fountain of youth.

HGH, also known as somatotropin is the primary hormone produced and secreted by the pituitary gland. Its production peaks during adolescence which accelerates body growth. By the time a person reaches the age of 60 he or she may only secrete 25% of the amount of HGH secreted when they were 20-years-old. Most of the time growth hormone is released in a pulsatile fashion during sleep or following strenuous physical activity. It is quickly converted in the liver to a powerful growth-promoting metabolite known as IGF-1. IGF-1 is the primary youth-promoting factor of HGH. 

The decline of growth hormone with age is directly associated with certain aging signs like wrinkling of the skin, graying of the hair, decreased energy and sexual function, increased body fat, heart disease, weak and brittle bones, and much more. The good news is that both growth hormone and IGF-1 can reverse these physical signs and restore energy levels, bone strength, hair color, more youthful appearing skin, and for most people reading this report, an increased, youthful muscle mass simultaneously significantly reducing body fat.

Now, there is a natural form of IGF-1 derived from the animal genus Cervus that may be the answer that all bodybuilders and our senior citizens have been looking for, an answer that may even promote greater health and extend life. 


It is interesting to note that when scientists gave muscle tissue IGF-1, the muscle tissue increased in size, whereas if growth hormone was given alone there was no increase in muscle mass. The reason for this is simple. Growth hormone must first be converted to IGF-1 in order for it to work. IGF-1 therefore, is the most important molecule in increasing muscle mass. IGF-1 achieves this goal in the following ways:

How IGF-1 Builds Muscles


IGF-1 has been shown to increase the transport of the building blocks of proteins called amino acids into cells throughout the body. These amino acids, having reached the muscle cells, will regenerate muscle tissue following exercise. Thus, the first job of IGF-1 is to assure proper absorption of the building blocks of the muscle itself so that muscle protein synthesis can occur. 
IGF-1 is like insulin in that it increases that uptake of blood sugar known as glucose, this has recently been confirmed by researchers at East Carolina University. Doctors established that IGF-1 stimulates glucose transport in human muscle tissue. 
IGF-1 along with insulin has the ability to slow the rate of protein breakdown. This is known as catabolism inhibition. It is therefore anticatabolic. 
IGF-1, like growth hormone but unlike insulin, shifts fuel utilization from carbohydrates to fat within the muscle cells themselves. Thus, your body will burn more fat including fat made from carbohydrates in your diet and other dietary fats. IGF-1 helps to establish lean muscle mass without a corresponding rise in fat tissue. 

IGF-1 has many other powerful positive influences on human metabolism. Some of
these include:

1. Improved white blood cell production
2. Restores the immune-promoting lymphoid tissue
3. Stimulates proliferation of both the B and T lymphocytes
4. Increases the uptake and degradation of the dangerous LDL 
5. Improves nitrogen retention (muscle preservation) and increases sodium excretion
6. Improves parathyroid vitamin D interaction to produce dense bone matrix
7. Increases the urinary hydroxy proline secretion

Characteristics of IGF-1 deficiency:

1. Reduced skeletal muscle strength and size
2. Reduced exercise performance
3. Increased total body fat
4. Increased abdominal and visceral fat
5. Elevated LDL cholesterol
6. Decreased HDL cholesterol
7. Insulin resistance which may lead to diabetes
8. Reduced thyroid production
9.  Thin skin
10. Lack of connective tissue
11. Decreased hair and nail growth
12. Reduced sweating
13. Reduced heart output
14. Emotional instability
15. Poor memory
16. Depression
17. Reduced sex drive
The effects of IGF-1 include:

1. An increase in proliferation and growth of muscle cells
2. An increased uptake of amino acids into the muscle cells
3. An increase in the uptake of blood sugar (glucose) into muscle cells
4. Improved utilization of fat for energy with a decrease utilization of carbohydrates
5. Reduction of catabolism (muscle breakdown) following workouts


In the pursuit of large, well-defined usculature, men and women have been searching for the magic bullet. IGF-1 is it. A number of world class bodybuilders having used IGF-1 have reported massive muscle
increase of up to 20 pounds. In an article published in Muscle Media 2000 the author T.C. Luoma declared IGF-1 as possibly the most potent bodybuilding drug ever. At this point in time, there are no controlled studies supporting these claims. The antidotal evidence, however, is building up. Many
bodybuilders are claiming they are experiencing drops of five percent body fat in one month while increasing lean body mass and strength at the same time. This simply means you burn fat at the same time you build muscle. Unfortunately, some claim there is no effect at all. This is probably because any time a drug hits the black market some of it is real and some of it is not.

Which one would you get? One that is counterfeit or a product that you know has a standardized level of IGF-1 plus other growth factors that may turn out to be just as important in not only increasing muscle
strength but increasing your health status as well. In considering using anabolic steroids and substances like human growth hormone or diuretics it is important to note all of these hormones have side effects.  All of these products when put into combination with each other may turn out to have unwanted and dangerous side effects.

Many times bodybuilders will use several ifferent agents in order to achieve synergistic effect. With IGF-1 it doesn’t appear to be necessary. In one study of healthy volunteers there was no additive anabolic effect in those who took a combination of IGF and growth hormone compared to those who took just IGF-1 alone. The only synergistic effect that appears to be helpful with IGF-1 is strenuous
exercise, exercise that will indeed help develop large, dense, well-defined musculature.
According to Phil Micans of the International Antiaging Systems in London who has
distributed IGF-1 in several forms, IGF-1 is 10 times more potent than growth hormone
as an anabolic agent.

Problems exist in determining purity, efficacy, and potency. IGF-1 dosages vary between 10
micrograms and 50 micrograms taken on a daily basis if taken orally. However, understand that when it is ingested and has to go through the gastrointestinal tract only a fraction of that taken is actually absorbed.

This absorption rate may vary from individual to individual depending upon the degree of efficiency of the digestive process. For this reason, a novel, new mechanism of absorption has been applied to the standardized cold processed deer antler extract. By combining the extract which contains a minimum of 2,500 nanograms per gram of IGF-1 with the lipospray sublingual delivery system there is an assurance of receiving and absorbing IGF-1 at a consistent level. This product is called IGF-1 Plus and is now available through Langel Enterprises, Inc. at (888) 705-6066.


IGF-1 is causing a great deal of excitement not only among bodybuilders but among people interested in reducing the systems of aging and those people interested in living the longest, healthiest and most active life possible.  This is the legacy of IGF-1.  According to researchers, IGF-1 increases lean body mass, reduces fat, builds bone, builds muscle, and builds nerves. By taking is directly you bypass the pituitary gland which may be burnt out by the aging process.

Some researchers feel that IGF-1 is even more potent than growth hormone in terms of its direct effects. According to Keith Kelley, Ph.D., who showed that growth hormone reversed the shrinking of the thymus, one of the most important immune-modulating organs of the body. However, it was IGF-1,
not growth hormone, that had this effect on the thymus gland when these hormones were placed in culture with thymus cells. In the human body HGH works but we now know that its effect on the immune system with the thymus gland is because of its conversion to IGF-1.


IGF-1 has similar properties to insulin in that it has improved blood sugar profiles in type II diabetic patients. When diabetics were give human growth hormone it was shown to actually make their condition worse by increasing insulin resistance. While IGF-1 administration actually normalized the insulin resistance in a group of healthy volunteers. 

Other researchers in Florida tried to establish the effect of IGF-1 in preventing muscle wasting from people who had to take glucocorticocosteroid drugs like Prednisone. In this particular study volunteers were divided into three groups. The first group got IGF alone, the second group got IGF plus Prednisone, and the third group just received Prednisone alone. The study discovered that 100 micrograms of IGF-1 per kilogram of body weight, if given twice a day, enhanced the body’s protein
metabolism in the same way as growth hormone. Like growth hormone, it preserved muscle mass even when the patients were taking Prednisone. However, growth hormone, in an earlier study, caused insulin resistance when given in combination with Prednisone. IGF-1 did not cause these diabetic-like effects.
Just the opposite, those subjects who received IGF along with Prednisone had normal glucose
metabolism. This is truly incredible when one thinks that glucocorticoids are known to suppress circulating insulin and decrease insulin sensitivity.

As a result of this research, doctors believe that IGF-1 offers promise in the treatment of patients who received intravenous feedings following surgery to prevent the muscle mass loss and improve outcome. This study was conducted by Nelly Mauras and Bernard Beaufrere of the Nemours Childrens Clinic
in Jacksonville, Florida.


One of the most exciting uses for IGF-1 is the repair of nerve damage that occurs in injury or illness. When a nerve is damaged in the arm or leg the connection to muscle tissue is dramatically impaired. As a result, there is a loss of movement and a wasting of the effected muscle tissue. These nerves can
regenerate to some extent. Severe damage of more than one-half inch may result in permanent injury. However, IGF-1 has repaired and reconnected severed nerve endings up to a distance of six millimeters. This has never, heretofore, been done.

In studies where nerve cells have been placed in culture tubes, IGF-1 has been shown to have
remarkable growth effects on spinal cord motor neurons. It increased motor neuron activity in spinal cultures by 150 to 270%. In addition to this, it significantly decreased the preprogrammed cell death in developing chick embryos. In certain animal studies it  had a direct effect in stimulating nerve axons of the spinal cord motor neurons to regenerate. It increased intramuscular nerve sprouting 10 fold when it was given to normal adult rats. According to Swedish scientist Hans-Arne Hannson of the Institute of Neuro Biology at the University of Goteborg, IGF-1 by itself or in combination with other growth
factors, could stimulate nerve regeneration.

The implications of these early studies are absolutely enormous. If IGF-1 can regenerate spinal cord motor neurons, it may be able to treat one of the most devastating, fatal diseases known called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a devastating disease in which the loss of cortical motor neurons results in complete paralysis and death. It may be useful in many other diseases that affect peripheral nerves. 


IGF-1 is also being studied in patients with congestive heart failure. Doctor Marc Y. Donath reported that it improved heart function in patients with congestive heart failure. In a randomized, double blind, crossover trial, IGF-1 was associated with a 27% rise in what is known as the ca diac index and a 21% boost in stroke volume index. In other words, the heart improved in strength and with each beat
pumped more blood. This was accompanied by a reduction in systemic vascular resistance and
a 25% decline in pulmonary artery wedge pressure. There was also a 33% drop in right atrial pressure compared with the placebo during seven hours of continuous monitoring. This study was conducted by Dr. Donath at the University Hospital of Zurich.


Patients with fibromyalgia may be one of the largest populations of growth hormone deficient individuals. New evidence suggests that fibromyalgia patients are deficient in growth hormone secretion. Growth hormone therapy may be warranted in these patients. 

Marie Cook, a nurse at Oregon Health Sciences University of Portland, has stated that she and her  colleagues have pursued a possible fibromyalgia connection after observing that fibromyalgia and growth
hormone deficiency syndrome share many clinical features. These include muscle weakness, reduced exercise capacity, and chronic fatigue. In an earlier study they found that 30 to 40% of fibromyalgia patients had low insulin-like growth factor levels compared with age and gender matched controls. To further assess this apparent deficiency they performed growth hormone stimulating tests in 50 fibromyalgia patients with low IGF-1. Forty-one had abnormally low growth hormone response to provocative testing. Fibromyalgia affects about three and a half percent of the United States women and about one-half percent of the men. It is also believed to be the number two reason for office visits to
rheumatologists, second only to rheumatoid arthritis. IGF-1 may, in fact, be a miracle medicine for fibromyalgia patients in that it can return strength, increase endurance, and improve immune response simultaneously. 


Recent laboratory experiments on IGF-1 have demonstrated a stimulation of the protective sheath around nerves known as the myelin sheath. In degenerative diseases like multiple sclerosis and ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease, damage around the sheath stops signals from being transmitted between the brain and nerves. 

IGF-1 has been found to regrow these sheaths according to the University of Michigan  scientists. Although several growth factors are currently being studied, IGF-1 appears to be most effective at inducing the growth of the sheath and preventing neuro cell death according to chief researcher Hsin-Lin Cheng. Michigan scientists presented the first results from their experiments with IGF-1 at a conference in New Orleans. The scientists said they removed nerve cells called dorsal root nerves from newborn rats and grew them in a dish. They found that if they stimulated the conditions of diabetes in the dish and then applied the IGF-1 it helped the nerves remain normal.

Tests with IGF-1 are now underway on 40 people with neuropathy at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. According to these researchers, IGF-1 may provide a new treatment for a whole group of diseases that have not here to been treatable. 


One of the big problems associated with losing weight, especially with calorie restriction, is a significant loss in muscle mass when there is a commensurate loss of fat. Any procedure that can preserve lean muscle body mass when fat loss is being experienced, would be most helpful and certainly improve the health of the patient during the weight loss procedure. According to Doctor Edmund Chein, patients who were obese and were given human growth hormone injections lost up to 12% of their body fat every six months. As an example, a patient that weighed 200 pounds could lose 24 pounds of fat every six months. We know that human growth hormone increases the fat burning mechanism of the body, but because it increases IGF-1, the IGF-1, in turn, not only preserves muscle tissue but increases muscle mass. IGF-1 may also improve the fat burning mechanism and improve hormonal weight loss effects without having to restrict calorie consumption. Studies have shown that the aging pituitary gland contains as much growth hormone as it did when the individual was younger. However, the ability to release the growth hormone is somehow blocked as the body ages. Something happens in the feedback loop between the release of IGF-1 in the liver and the hypothalamus in the brain. Ordinarily, a reduction in the IGF-1 tells the brain to direct the pituitary to make more growth hormone but this feedback loop breaks down with age. For this reason there should be no negative feedback loop problems associated with just taking IGF-1 since the mechanism in the aging person is already diminished. It would also indicate that IGF-1 should be taken in order to preserve muscle mass, increase energy levels, and maintain proper body weight.


An interesting relationship between IGF-1 and the immune system has been uncovered in recent research. The activity between all of the major immune cell types such as T-cells and B-cells, natural killer cells, and acrophages have been shown to be altered by growth HGH. Studies have shown that lymphocyte-derived growth hormone is involved in the production of more lymphocytes and that these, in turn, can actually produce IGF-1 within the immune system. Thus, not only the liver but white blood cells are capable of producing IGF-1. This provides a biochemical basis for a line of communication between the immune system and the neuroendrocrine system, thanks to the action of HGH.


Another feature about IGF-1 is it’s potential to increase life span. This, of course, is intimately connected with the human growth hormone levels. Dr. William Sonntag at the Bowman Gray School of Medicine at Wakeforest University in Winston Salem North Carolina has examined animals in response to growth hormone and IGF-1 secretion. As the normal aging process occurs, the amount of growth hormone and IGF-1 decreases as well as protein synthesis. n the form of enzymes it is necessary to carry out  all of  the work of cells and tissues. Without the proteins cells die or metabolism slows down and becomes inefficient. Sonntag and his associates found that when the diet was restricted in animals, growth hormone secretion actually increased and this occurred only in older animals (rats). In fact, the amount of growth hormone approached that of the younger control rats.

Thus, calorie restriction may increase human growth hormone and IGF-1. There was a 70%
increase in new protein in the heart muscle in those animals that had calorie restriction. Interestingly enough, the actual level of IGF-1 did not rise but the number of receptor sites in cells for IGF-1 increased from 60 to 100%. Thus, whatever level of IGF-1 was there it was used to maximum efficiency. It may be necessary to increase receptor sites for IGF-1 in order to maintain a longer life span. However, restricting calories is counter-productive to the social norm in an affluent society. It may turn out that the IGF-1 can accomplish all that is necessary in improving life span simply by taking it as a supplement. 

In order to examine this possibility, we need to look at the actual blueprint of life, the substance that actually allows cells to replicate over and over for a life span. This, of course, is the DNA.


If scientists were to take one of your skin cells nd put it into a culture of all of the right nutrients, they could show that your cells would divide a certain number of times and then finally die. This is known as the Hayflick phenomenon and it represents an inborn set of clocks that determine when the cell stops
dividing. Researchers have determined that the telomere, a very small piece of the tail end of every chromosome in the nucleus of almost every cell in the body, is the culprit. It is the telomere that tells the cells when to divide and when to stop dividing. As the telomere shortens progressively with each cell division, it reaches a point where it no longer can allow cell division to occur. When cells stop dividing
we age and die. The blueprint of life that determines our age in essence is the DNA. One of the top antiaging researchers in the country, Vincent Giampapa, M.D., director of clinical research at the
Longevity Institute International in Monteclair, New Jersey has studied this problem intimately. Dr. Giampapa feels that there is a substance that will act like a genie and turn old cells into new ones.  Although this substance is not yet available, researchers feel that growth hormone and its attendant
IGF-1 can do the next best thing and help keep the cell in a healthy state as long as possible.

The question is, how does it actually do this?The answer lies within the DNA. The cells ability to function depends on its genetic material known as DNA. This resides in the nucleus of the cell which codes for all proteins, hormones, and enzymes that make the cell run. It is the DNA that is constantly
damaged by oxygen radicals and other factors such as ultraviolet light and heat. The DNA
has the ability to repair itself but this ability dramatically reduces with the aging process.
Simultaneously damage is occurring in other parts of the cells such as the energy-producing
mitochondria which has its own DNA. We know that certain antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E reduce the damage to the DNA, however, it may turn out that IGF-1 holds the greatest promise to protect this delicate genetic material.

European researchers have shown that growth hormone and IGF-1 do what antioxidants cannot do. IGF-1 initiates the transport of nucleic acids into the nucleus of the cell where the DNA resides. It gives the raw material needed to repair damage to the DNA and initiates cell division. Thus, IGF-1
actually repairs the blueprint of life and helps to retard the aging process. When the DNA is repaired it can better resist carcinogens and protect us from cancer. The question then arises, can it really reduce the incidence of cancer or does it promote cancer?


In a preliminary study conducted by June Chan at the Harvard School of Public Health, published in the prestigious Journal of Science January 23, 1998, IGF-1 was linked to a higher incidence of prostate cancer. The implication of this study was that men with a high PSA blood level or a strong family
history of prostate cancer should think twice before starting growth hormone or growth hormone releasing agents. Of course, this would also mean IGF-1 or IGF-1 producing agents. 

In the summer issue of the International ournal of Antiaging Medicine 1998 premier issue, Dr. L. Cass, M.D., Ph.D., Pharm.D., Medical College of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and chief medical advisor to Cenegenics published a paper entitled “Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 blood levels are not
associated with prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels or prostate cancer a study of 749 men”. The incidence of prostate cancer increases with age in men whereas blood levels of IGF-1 decline significantly with age, at about 14% per decade after the age of 30. Therefore, it seems unlikely that IGF would have any causative relationship with prostate cancer. However, the question does arise that
with supplementation with recombinant human growth hormone can it actually pose a risk for increased prostate cancer? The question also arises that IGF-1, if given as a supplement, would it do the same?

The purpose of the study conducted by Dr. Cass was to determine the IGF blood levels in men receiving recombinant growth hormone supplementation as a relationship to blood PSA levels as an indicator of prostate cancer. In this particular study as well as three others, circulating IGF-1 levels had no relationship to PSA levels or prostate cancer and did not appear to be a risk factor in patients with or without recombinant growth hormone administration. These findings are consistent with extensive studies on recombinant growth hormone replacement in growth hormone deficient adults resulting from pituitary or prepituitary tumors. Moreover, no increase in prostate cancer or any other malignancy was observed in approximately 3,000 patients during long term treatment with recombinant growth hormone.

Thus to date, the weight of scientific evidence shows that recombinant growth hormone or IGF-1 do not cause prostate cancer. Certainly more long term studies are essential to assess the benefits and risks of life long growth hormone replacement or IGF-1 supplementation. If anything, the tendency is that recombinant growth hormone and IGF-1 actually reduce the incidence of prostate cancer and PSA readings that are greater than 4, as evidenced by the results of this particular study. 

In his book entitled Grow Young with HGH Dr. Ronald Klatz, president of the American Academy of Antiaging Medicine, reported on the patients treated by Drs. Chein and Terry with human growth hormone injections. Of 800 patients the only side effects that had been reported were minor joint aches and pains and some fluid retention. These symptoms disappeared in the first couple of months.
More significantly was the fact that there were no reported cases of cancer among all 800 patients treated at their clinic. It is very reassuring since some investigators have been concerned that growth hormone would cause undetected cancer cells to divide more rapidly. 

Even so, you would think with 800 people over the age of 40-years-old, given the normal incidence of cancer, some of these people would certainly get the disease. It could be that there is some sort of protective effect of growth hormone replacement, probably through the immune system. 

Even more compelling in this study was the act that PSA levels as a marker of prostate problems including cancer did not increase among any of the male patients. In one case study, with Chein and Terry, growth hormone actually seemed to have reversed the course of the prostate cancer. The patient came to see Dr. Chein with a PSA level of over 50, normal being 0 to 4 and men with cancer
usually having a PSA level in the 10s or 20s. The diagnosis of adenocarcinoma was confirmed by a needle biopsy. Although existing cancer is normally a contraindication for hormone replacement therapy, the patient did refuse surgery and urged Dr. Chein to treat him with growth hormone as well as
DHEA, melatonin, but not testosterone. In a short period of time the man’s PSA levels came down to between 5 and 7. This is absolutely spectacular as the disease has gone into remission. Dr. Chein speculates that through the immune stimulation of growth hormone, natural killer cells were
effectively able to destroy the cancer cells. 


IGF-1 Plus is a liposublingual spray, cold-processed extract of Cervi Parvum Cornu. When harvested at the appropriate time the genus Cervus contains, as an extract, with a minimum of 2,500 nanograms per gram of IGF-1. It also contains IGF-2, a related hormone, and epidermal growth hormone, transforming growth hormone beta, nerve growth hormone (neurotrophin), as well as a host of other health-promoting factors. One such factor is a newly described protein (67 amino acid chain) which has been demonstrated in vitro studies to be more powerful as an anti-inflammatory than Dexamethasone, a common steroid used for arthritic pain. By combining IGF-1 and other growth factors with the lipid ligand sublingual transport of said factors into the circulation is accomplished. Each spray carries over 15 nanograms of IGF-1 and the recommended dosage is between 2 to 8 sprays per day for the serious athlete whose intention is to achieve maximum muscle development and strength. The recommendation is to use 3 to 4 sprays just prior to exercise and 2 to 3 sprays just prior to sleep.


Yes, the name of the study is “The Role of omatotroph-Specific Peptides and IGF-1 Intermediates as an Alternative to hGH Injections” by James Jamieson and L.E. Dorman, D.O. as presented for the American College for Advancement in Medicine. Thirty-six individuals with low levels of insulin-like growth factor type 1 (IGF-1<350 milligrams per milliliter), were evaluated clinically for changes in existing symptomatology and serum IGF-1 levels over a period of 12 weeks while being administered Symbiotropin, a combination of anterior pituitary peptides, sequenced glycoamino acid complex, pharmaceutical saccharides, a plant derived source of L-Dopa, and botanical regulators of insulin and IGF-1.  Patients experienced a 30% average increase in IGF-1. Patient self-assessments in areas of endurance and body composition, hair and skin, sexual function, healing and immunity, and mental function reflect significant improvement in all 23 areas of evaluation, with range of 21 to 74% of patients reporting improvement in these areas. Additional clinical observations reflect significant improvements in blood sugar management in diabetic patients, lowered prostate-specific antigen (PSA), improved cardiac and pulmonary function, blood pressure management, and improvement in menopausal symptoms. (See graph on previous page) No side effects were observed that could be attributed to Symbiotropin. One female patient was removed from the study due to a citric acid allergy that was aggravated by Symbiotropin. (See chart on previous page). Thus, increasing IGF-1 improves health.


Somatotropin or human growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland under the influence of growth hormone releasing hormone. This secretion falls with age from 500 milligrams at 20 years to 200 milligrams at 40 years, and 25 milligrams at 80 years with a concomitant fall of IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1 or Somatomedin C), levels from 240 nanograms per milliliter at 30 years, 200 nanograms per milliliter at 40 years, and 40 nanograms per milliliter at 80 years. IGF-1 is the main effector of growth hormone activity. The increasing incidence of Somatomedin C (IGF-1) reduction with age, results in a clinical hyposomatotropin deficiency syndrome. The symptoms are:

  • Sagging cheeks
  • Deep and large wrinkles
  • Thinned hair, lips, jaw bones, and skin
  • Pseudogynaecomastica
  • An obese floppy belly
  • General muscle loss
  • Fatigue, somnolence
  • Lack of self assurance and  steem
  • Anxiety
  • Low sociability
Have your doctor order your IGF-1 test from
the following lab:

Test requirements: 

Somatomedin C (IGF-1) #403
Sample requirements: 

1 milliliter serum, refrigerated (The serum should be placed in the freezer
and frozen then shipped between two ice
packs in a provided cooler).

Ship samples overnight to:

Antibody Assay Laboratories, 1715 E.
Wilshire #715, Santa Ana, CA 92705

If you have any questions or need specimen
collection and shipping supplies please
contact us at (800) 522-2611 (main lab) or
(800) 522-2621 (east coast office) or on the
internet at


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